Aaseya It Services Pte. Ltd.

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Company details:

Entity name: Aaseya It Services Pte. Ltd. (202213338M)

Bussiness address: Grand Building, 17 Phillip Street, #05-01, Postal 048695

Registration date: 2022-04-18

Issuance: ACRA

More details:

UEN: 202213338M

Uen issue date: 2022-04-18

Main category: Information Technology Consultancy (Except Cybersecurity)

Secondary category: Information Technologies Consultancy And Related Services

Secondary details: 5

Price range


Where on this page I can get directions to the place of Aaseya It Services Pte. Ltd.?

Using the full version of this page you will find a navigation button to this place.

What more information am I going to find on this page about Aaseya It Services Pte. Ltd.?

Here you will also find business details of the company as well as reviews of the clients.

Does this site have an accessibility feature for disabled people?

On the full version of this site you will find an accessibility plugin.

Grand Building, 17, Phillip Street, Golden Shoe, Downtown Core, Singapore, Central, 049514, Singapore


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