Aib Capital Pte. Ltd.

Last update


Company details:

Entity name: Aib Capital Pte. Ltd. (202217308Z)

Bussiness address: New Bridge Centre, 336 Smith Street, #05-303, Postal 050336

Registration date: 2022-05-19

Issuance: ACRA

More details:

UEN: 202217308Z

Uen issue date: 2022-05-19

Main category: Wholesale Trade Of A Variety Of Goods Without A Dominant Product

Secondary category:

Secondary details: Sgd

Price range


Where on this page I am able to access navigational instructions to Aib Capital Pte. Ltd.?

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What more information have I provided on that page about Aib Capital Pte. Ltd.?

You can also find information on the company and customer comments.

Can this site be accessed by persons with disabilities?

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What is the objective of this website and what type of information do you provide?

This site provides business details and information about Singaporean companies.

If I found an error on your website, how am I supposed to report it?

You will find a report button in the full version of the website.

Authorised Money Changer, 336, Smith Street, People's Park, Outram, Singapore, Central, 050336, Singapore


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