Angela New Wellness Spa

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Company details:

Entity name: Angela New Wellness Spa (53444174B)

Business address: 210 Syed Alwi Road, Postal 207743

Registration date: 2021-12-20

Issuance: ACRA

More details:

UEN: 53444174B

Uen issue date: 2021-12-20

Main category: Beauty Salons And Spas (Including Slimming, Skin Care And Hair Care Centres)

Secondary category: Massage Parlours And Foot Reflexology

Secondary details: Relax New Wellness Spa

Price range


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This page provides business information on Angela New Wellness Spa.

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What is the objective of this website and what type of information can I find here?

This website provides information on Singapore-based companies.


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