Entity name: Athena Martech Pte. Ltd. (202217271W)
Business address: Wcega Plaza, 1 Bukit Batok Crescent, #05-32, Postal 658064
Registration date: 2022-05-19
Issuance: ACRA
UEN: 202217271W
Uen issue date: 2022-05-19
Main category: Manufacture Of Metal Pipes And Tubes
Secondary category: Ballast Water Treatement Sysytem Pipelines, Ship Scrubber Pipelines
Secondary details: Manufacture And Repair Of Exhaust Bellows And Accessories
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This website provides information about businesses established in Singapore.
WCEGA Plaza, 1, Bukit Batok Crescent, Bukit Batok, Singapore, Southwest, 658064, Singapore