Belifood Pte. Ltd.

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Начало / Singapore / Home Based / Belifood Pte. Ltd.
Last update


Company details:

Entity name: Belifood Pte. Ltd. (202143283W)

Business address: Wcega Tower, 21 Bukit Batok Crescent, #15-75, Postal 658065

Registration date: 2021-12-15

Issuance: ACRA

More details:

UEN: 202143283W

Uen issue date: 2021-12-15

Main category: 2021-12-15

Secondary category: Home Based

Secondary details:

Price range


What types of details I can find on this page about Belifood Pte. Ltd.?

On this page you can find details like opening hours, location and contact information.

May I find navigation instructions to the business location?

Yes, you can get on this page navigation directions to Belifood Pte. Ltd.

I noticed an issue on your website, how can I report it to you?

By using the complete version of this site, you can find a report button to notify us of an error in this site.

What is the objective of this website and what type of information can I find here?

This site provides information about companies based in Singapore.

WCEGA Tower, 21, Bukit Batok Crescent, Bukit Batok, Singapore, Southwest, 658065, Singapore


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